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What does your poop say about your health

As a registered dietitian and health coach who specializes in metabolism, I am here to say that our digestion is one of the most important components of your metabolism so your bowels can be directly related to your weight, inflammation, pain, fatigue, and your mental health.

What affects bowel movements?
👉  Stress/Anxiety: Your mental health plays a HUGE role on all systems of the body, especially your digestive system. When your body is in a stressed state or you are not taking care of yourself, your stress hormones are activated.  For many people, this can significantly slow down your digestion and cause inflammation in your GI tract which produces all kinds of uncomfortable symptoms (diarrhea, constipation, bloat, gas, IBS).

👉 Medications: There are many medications that can affect your bowels. Here is a list of types of medications that can have an effect on your bowels: Prescription Painkillers, Antidepressants, Narcotics, and High Blood Pressure Medications.

👉 Diet (fiber): If you eat a SAD (Standard American Diet) filled with processed foods, most likely you will struggle with your bowels.  Whole foods with natural fiber help bulk up your stool and are the easiest to break down for your digestive system.

👉 Diet (food sensitivities): When you look up information about constipation or diarrhea, everyone talks about fiber and water but food sensitivities and intolerances are usually missed.  And guess what, I believe this has the MOST impact on your bowels.  Firsthand, I have helped so many clients transform their lifelong bowel issues just by eliminating an inflammatory food.

👉 Dehydration: Our bodies are made up of 50-75% of water so when we deprive our bodies of water we slow down our digestive tract causing constipation. It is important to stay hydrated to keep the food moving through your bowels throughout the day, especially if you have bumped up your fiber intake.

The Poop Glossary

Optimal Poop =
A healthy poop usually is a shade of brown or possibly a greenish brown. It should release easily and the optimal poop is the size of a hot dog or banana. Everyone is different but if you are eating enough dietary fiber, you should be pooping 1-3 times daily.

Sticky Poop = You can often tell this when there’s “skid marks” on your toilet bowl. This can be an indicator that you have malabsorption issues (mainly fat) or a food intolerance (usually gluten or lactose).  

Poop that Floats = Poop that floats is usually a sign of a high fiber diet. The interaction of fiber and bacteria causes gas which allows the poop to float in water.

Heavy Poop/Poop that Sinks = This may indicate that you need more dietary fiber in your diet. Boost that dietary fiber and your poop will be floating in no time.

The Infrequent Pooper =  This may also be known as constipation or “rabbit turds”.  Everyone’s body is different and some people poop less often than other people but if you tend to lean towards constipation (2 days or more without a BM), then this is unhealthy, toxic and inflammatory.  Read below for ideas to improve your digestion.

Take Forever Pooper = Your length of time you spend pooping is meaningful.  A healthy BM should pass quite easily in a minute or two.  If you need a lot of time to move your bowels, this could signify digestive issues.  Again, read below to improve your digestion.  

How do I improve my bowel movements and digestion?

➡️ Stay hydrated. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your bowels moving.

➡️ Fiber! Eat a high fiber diet filled with dark leafy greens, veggies, fruit, beans, whole grains (preferably gluten-free), nuts, and seeds.

➡️ Exercise regularly. Try to be active every day for at least 15 min.  To help constipation and stimulate digestion, yoga twists are very helpful.

➡️ Take deep belly breaths.  If you are not sure what this is, it’s worth the research because it works!  Personally, I do deep breathing meditation most mornings to stimulate digestion.

➡️ Probiotics! When it comes to supplements, probiotics are my absolute favorite natural digestive supplement (and I’m not talking about yogurt).  A quality probiotic supplement helps improve flora (immunity) and bulks up the stool by providing billions of good bacteria.

➡️ Gluten and Dairy Free. Everyone is different but if you have significant digestive issues, it is worth a try.  With our coaching clients, we help them identify which foods are most inflammatory for them.

What you should do next …

Register for my Nutrition Class: 3 Realistic Solutions to Rev Your Metabolism so you can Drop Weight Naturally Without Deprivation. And after class, you will receive a gift (My Favorite Balanced Breakfast Recipe Book). I recommend you register early; spaces are limited! 

Sign-up for my 3-Day Eating Reset: Tame your sugar cravings without feeling deprived. You will receive my step-by-step guide to stabilize your blood sugar with a done-for-you menu plan, simple recipes, and shopping list.

Schedule a FREE Metabolism Mastery Call: This is a no pressure phone conversation with our health coaches.  Let’s dive into your specific challenges and goals to figure out what next steps are best for you.


About the Author

Hello, I’m Betsy Markle.  I’m a Registered Dietitian and Holistic Nutritionist with over 20 years of experience. Living a busy life with 3 kids and a passionate career, I understand the importance of realistic nutrition, exercise, and balanced living.

Women tend to put the needs of everyone else before their own. My passion is to empower women to create a healthy lifestyle that they love and can stick with forever.

Here at Sunshine Wellness, we are proud to help women lose weight effortlessly, overcome cravings, and revive energy so they can heal their metabolism, ditch the diet mentality, and love their bodies.

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