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What happens if you are half-committed to changing your nutrition habits?

When it comes to nutrition, many people are overwhelmed and struggle with true commitment.  

I get it! 👈🏼

So many diets and nutrition programs out there are extreme.
👎 It’s hard to fully commit to a program that is not realistic.
👎 It’s no fun to commit when you know you will feel deprived and your heart is shouting NO.

And most mainstream nutrition info is outdated.
As a Registered Dietitian, I learned the Food Guide Pyramid, the American Heart Association Diet, and the American Diabetes Association Diet. Personally, I feel that their resources are not up-to-date.
👎 It’s hard to commit when you do not have full confidence.

The problem is…
When you are not fully committed (with your heart, your priorities, your time, and your energy), then your results will be short-term and it will just be another failed diet attempt.

✅ Just to be clear…Being fully committed does NOT mean all-in, right now.
✅ It does NOT mean drastic changes with immediate expectations.

True commitment means that your heart believes this is the right path (forever).  
💗 It means that you are ready to start making your health your #1 priority.  
💗 It means that you know this is going to be a long journey, but you want to do it right and you vow to be patient with yourself.

Overall, if you are happy with your health and just need to make a few healthy shifts, then go for it.  Sounds like you are ready (no need to read on).

But if you are NOT happy with your health and your daily patterns and you feel stuck, then my friend, you need to truly commit to a new way of eating, exercising, and living that feels right for you (you definitely need to read on).

To know if you are truly ready, please ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you ready to make your health a top priority?
  • Do you want to learn a clear, common-sense approach to optimize your metabolism?
  • Are you ready to ditch old patterns that are not serving you?
  • Are you ready to be patient with your journey (learning step-by-step) and patient with yourself?

If you answered YES to most of these, Congratulations, you are ready. 🎉
1️⃣  Knowing that you need to fully commit to your health is the first step.
2️⃣  Next step?… Find a program or system.

I’m not here to tell you that our 3-month coaching program (Metabolism Mojo) is right for you. 

Maybe it’s exactly what you need? 
Maybe not?

That’s why we offer a free Metabolism Mastery Call.

Stacy and I want to get to know you and help figure out the best next steps for you.

We will be completely honest with you and if one of our programs seems like a beautiful fit, we can talk more about it.  Easy, Peasy Lemon Squeezy🍋

What you should do next …

Register for my Nutrition Class: 3 Realistic Solutions to Rev Your Metabolism so you can Drop Weight Naturally Without Deprivation. And after class, you will receive a gift (My Favorite Balanced Breakfast Recipe Book). I recommend you register early; spaces are limited! 

Sign-up for my 3-Day Eating Reset: Tame your sugar cravings without feeling deprived. You will receive my step-by-step guide to stabilize your blood sugar with a done-for-you menu plan, simple recipes, and shopping list.

Schedule a FREE Metabolism Mastery Call: This is a no pressure phone conversation with our health coaches.  Let’s dive into your specific challenges and goals to figure out what next steps are best for you.


About the Author

Hello, I’m Betsy Markle.  I’m a Registered Dietitian and Holistic Nutritionist with over 20 years of experience. Living a busy life with 3 kids and a passionate career, I understand the importance of realistic nutrition, exercise, and balanced living.

Women tend to put the needs of everyone else before their own. My passion is to empower women to create a healthy lifestyle that they love and can stick with forever.

Here at Sunshine Wellness, we are proud to help women lose weight effortlessly, overcome cravings, and revive energy so they can heal their metabolism, ditch the diet mentality, and love their bodies.

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