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Weekly Menu Planning seem Daunting

Most people think that weekly menu planning, food shopping, and prep is a looong, daunting, and annoying process.

These are some common complaints about menu planning:
👎  “My kids are picky and I hate planning and cooking multiple dinners each night.”
👎  “Cooking for myself is so boring… Why bother.”
👎  “I’m on track one week and then I get really busy and I’m off track again.”
👎  “It takes too long and I don’t have the time.”

I hear ya and I understand on many levels.  I used to get burned out with weekly menu planning! 

I tried to accommodate my kids’ preferences to create meals that they all like… IMPOSSIBLE.  I think there is an unwritten rule that one child has to hate some part of the meal. 

I think I made my life too complicated in the past.  I was always researching and trying new recipes.  It was fun (when I had the time) but I was too busy and I burned out easily resorting to take-out or an extra glass of wine.  

When my life and schedule were overpacked and I had that feeling of overwhelm, menu planning lost it’s fun and I found it impossible to stay consistent.

✨So how did I go from Menu Planning Dread to actually Enjoying the Process?✨
Basically, I changed my mindset and made some easy shifts to my routine and schedule.  Here are my real solutions: I want happy kids and a pleasant dinner time BUT I care more about my kid’s health and their future.  It’s important for kids to try new foods and keep trying foods they dislike, even if it’s just a bite. My kids used to HATE kale and now all three of my kids LOVE kale Caesar salads!  

For all the mommas with picky eaters, there is a middle ground.  Instead of preparing mixed dishes, like soups and casseroles, I switched to buffet style meals where kids could make their own decisions with lots of healthy options.  Stay tuned on our FB Group… I will be posting my favorite healthy buffet style meals (make-your-own bowls).

Obviously, time management is a problem area.  If you don’t have enough time, it’s not going to get done or it will only get done sporadically.  So yes, I did rearrange my schedule but more importantly, I made a conscious decision that I wanted to set time aside on a weekly basis for menu planning (for my health).  I feel sooooo much better when I am organized for the week and I am eating healthy.  So the solution was simple… schedule it in and keep menu planning simple. 

I only explore and play in the kitchen with new recipes when I feel the itch and I have extra time.  Organization is another key to success.  It worked for me, it works for my clients and I know it will work for you too.  If you have an organized menu planning system, it’s easy to stay on track.  And as my kids grow up, I am proud to say that I have added them to my system and they are all making one meal each week. 

On our FB Group, I will soon be doing a LIVE explaining my Menu Planning Organizational System (How I menu plan, shop, and prep for the week in under 90 min). Click the link to join our private group.

Remember to be patient with yourself.  Transitioning to an organized and consistent menu planning process does not happen overnight.  Sometimes you need to let go of control.  Sometimes you need to delegate.  And sometimes you need to reach out for help.

This is why we include all these aspects into our Metabolism Mojo Coaching Program…
🔆  Nutrition Education (how to create balanced meals with the right portions for you)
🔆  Menu Planning System
🔆  Organization and Time Management (how to simplify your life)
🔆  Problem Solving Skills (gotta be adaptable and flexible and realistic, especially with kids)

If you want help and this gets you excited, Click here to schedule a free 45 minute personalized Metabolism Mastery Call.   Together, we’ll dive in and figure what’s working, what’s not, and come up with a realistic plan to reach your goals so you can create the life you want.

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