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Do you set a daily intention? 💥

So many people just jump into their day.

Their schedule is set.  They packed water and snacks.  They are ready BUT they have not set an intention for their day.

This is a logical way of looking at it 🤔:
– If you set an intention, you are creating a roadmap for your day.
– If you got in your car without a map or GPS, you may get lost.  And that’s how so many people feel everyday (lost with their emotions).  One moment happy, the next moment frustrated, sometimes energized, and sometimes deflated.

So how do you set a daily intention?

Set aside a few minutes every morning to gather your thoughts. Personally, I do this while eating breakfast.

Write it down in a journal (or phone).  I guarantee that you will forget it if you don’t write it down.  In fact, I still forget it half the time when I write it down.  #MomBrain

Check in with yourself throughout your day.

Let’s keep it simple! 
~ Figure out what you want to focus on. 
~ Let’s give more attention to what feels good.
~ And make sure to be authentic.  It has to resonate with you.

Here are some of my favorite examples:

  • I want to smile more today and notice everyone’s smile 😃.
  • I intend to see the goodness around me 💛.
  • I will focus on gratitude today 🙏.
  • I intend to stay calm and take deep breaths throughout the day 🌊.
  • Instead of seeing what is going wrong, today I am going to focus on what is right 🌎.
  • Today, I intend to have more compassion for others ☮.

Setting a daily intention is a great morning ritual which will set you up for success!

If possible, I’d like to take it a step further…
Can you look for what you want to see all the time?

You look in a mirror…
Do you immediately focus on what is wrong? 
Can you find something positive or as a bare minimum, not dive into the negative rabbit hole?

You have a busy day and skip your exercise routine…
Do you automatically get mad at yourself and feel guilty?
Can you use this as an opportunity to analyze your schedule and figure out a better plan for the future.

Just so you know, we all struggle with maintaining positive thoughts and intentions through our days.
If you can’t seem to break unhealthy cycles that are sabotaging your metabolism, now you know why. 

It’s probably related to your mindset (focusing on the wrong things).  

If this is a missing link for you and you want help or to learn more… We are here for you!  Click here to set up a zero pressure Free Consultation with Sunshine Wellness Institute  📞

Let’s talk about what’s working, what’s not working, and we are excited to help you map out a realistic plan to solve your problems.

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