Call for a FREE consultation with Betsy, 805-252-3656

How much is your health worth to you?

I actually hate talking about this topic… How much is your health worth? 💵

Focusing on money and negativity is no fun but as a coach, we need to have this raw chat.

I see a lot of people spending big bucks on diet plans and weight loss programs, exercise equipment, and elective procedures hoping to lose weight, but the results are only temporary and it’s a waste of money in the end.

Other than money, have you ever thought about how your declining health is costing you?
Instead of focusing on all this sad stuff, I’m truly passionate about figuring out what your health affords you.

So, let’s flip it and have fun!🐬

It’s different for everyone, but I can tell you that when you are living life to the fullest, taking care of yourself and appreciating your health, sky’s the limit. 🪂

For me…
When I am in my healthy groove, I am a kinder person.  I feel good and I am more patient with my kids.  I am a more compassionate wife.  My enthusiasm pours out and I inspire more people. I know I am a happier person but it goes far beyond that… I am overflowing with gratitude and it shows in all areas of my life.

✨✨So to me, our health is priceless!✨✨

You can’t put a number on it.

I feel so grateful that my career is centered around health and happiness.  It allows me to speak, act and live this healthy mojo every day.  🙏🏻

Stacy and I created a fool-proof program to simplify and educate and empower others to heal their metabolism and find their healthy mojo. 

What you should do next …

Register for my Nutrition Class: 3 Realistic Solutions to Rev Your Metabolism so you can Drop Weight Naturally Without Deprivation. And after class, you will receive a gift (My Favorite Balanced Breakfast Recipe Book). I recommend you register early; spaces are limited! 

Sign-up for my 3-Day Eating Reset: Tame your sugar cravings without feeling deprived. You will receive my step-by-step guide to stabilize your blood sugar with a done-for-you menu plan, simple recipes, and shopping list.

Schedule a FREE Metabolism Mastery Call: This is a no pressure phone conversation with our health coaches.  Let’s dive into your specific challenges and goals to figure out what next steps are best for you.


About the Author

Hello, I’m Betsy Markle.  I’m a Registered Dietitian and Holistic Nutritionist with over 20 years of experience. Living a busy life with 3 kids and a passionate career, I understand the importance of realistic nutrition, exercise, and balanced living.

Women tend to put the needs of everyone else before their own. My passion is to empower women to create a healthy lifestyle that they love and can stick with forever.

Here at Sunshine Wellness, we are proud

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