Call for a FREE consultation with Betsy, 805-252-3656

Want to find consistent motivation & energy

Have you ever been driving in a car and a song came on the radio and you were in an upbeat mood and you couldn’t help but to sing and dance?  It’s a good feeling!  I call this positive, healthy MOJO. 👍

How about this?…

Months later, that same song comes on the radio again but you feel nothing.  You are zoned out with your worries and to-do list and definitely not feeling the energy.  I call this negative, unhealthy MOJO. 👎

Very common!  This happens to all of us.

Do you know that this scenario relates to your nutrition and your daily lifestyle habits too?!?

🔻 When your brain is filled with thoughts of worry or fear…

🔻 When your schedule is overloaded and you feel overwhelmed…

🔻 When you keep talking negatively to yourself…  

This will zap your morale and your energy.    

When it comes time to make healthy decisions (like prepping ahead, eating a well balanced meal, meditating, going to bed earlier, exercising), you will be zoned out and will not have the motivation to follow through. This is unhealthy MOJO.👎   Maybe you can power through with sheer willpower for a little bit, but you will NOT stay consistent with these healthy habits.

Let’s flip it and talk about healthy MOJO.

🔻 When you truly take care of yourself (your physical and mental health)…

🔻 When you talk kindly to yourself…

🔻 When you are organized with your daily routines and it feels good…  

✨ You will feel more energy, motivation, and hope about your future.

You will automatically stay on track with your healthy habits (for the long haul).

And you will enjoy the journey (dance and sing out loud).  

This, my friends, is called positive, healthy MOJO. 👍

And it is a KEY component of our Metabolism MOJO Coaching Program!

➡️ We help all of our clients identify the mindset patterns and limiting beliefs, keeping them stuck.
  We provide realistic tools and strategies (that really work) to break unhealthy cycles and create positive momentum. This is such an important part of our program because we want you to reach your goals and sustain your healthy habits (FOREVER).   Not another short-term diet that will damage your metabolism and kill your healthy MOJO.

If you’d like to learn more about our programs and see if it’s a fit for YOU, we’d love to get to know you😀

What you should do next …

Register for my Nutrition Class: 3 Realistic Solutions to Rev Your Metabolism so you can Drop Weight Naturally Without Deprivation. And after class, you will receive a gift (My Favorite Balanced Breakfast Recipe Book). I recommend you register early; spaces are limited! 

Sign-up for my 3-Day Eating Reset: Tame your sugar cravings without feeling deprived. You will receive my step-by-step guide to stabilize your blood sugar with a done-for-you menu plan, simple recipes, and shopping list.

Schedule a FREE Metabolism Mastery Call: This is a no pressure phone conversation with our health coaches.  Let’s dive into your specific challenges and goals to figure out what next steps are best for you.


About the Author

Hello, I’m Betsy Markle.  I’m a Registered Dietitian and Holistic Nutritionist with over 20 years of experience. Living a busy life with 3 kids and a passionate career, I understand the importance of realistic nutrition, exercise, and balanced living.

Women tend to put the needs of everyone else before their own. My passion is to empower women to create a healthy lifestyle that they love and can stick with forever.

Here at Sunshine Wellness, we are proud to help women lose weight effortlessly, overcome cravings, and revive energy so they can heal their metabolism, ditch the diet mentality, and love their bodies.

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