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5 Ways To Help Digestion

Your digestion is an important key to your metabolism!  If you show symptoms of constipation, loose bowels, bloating, heartburn, or stomachaches, your metabolism and health will decline.  Follow these 5 steps to improve your digestion, metabolism and your quality of life. digestion

  1. High fiber diet! – A high fiber diet is essential to having a healthy digestion system. Try to add both soluble fiber (which is easily broken down) and insoluble fiber (which you can usually see in your stool). Many people become inflamed and constipated from  processed carbs and gluten.  Therefore it is super important to eat a whole food diet with these quality high fiber foods: vegetables, fruit, oats, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, quinoa, and brown rice.
  1. Hydrate! – Being properly hydrated is extremely important in having healthy digestion. If you are dehydrated, food has trouble moving through the digestive tract and can often cause constipation. A good rule of thumb is to drink 8 cups of water a day.  Try to steer clear of too much caffeine, alcohol, soda, and diet drinks because they can have negative effects on the digestive tract.
  1. Take Probiotics! – If you have any GI or bowel issues, I highly recommend probiotics!  They are essentially “good” bacteria that will boost your immune system and help to naturally bulk up your stool with all the bad bacteria.  If you have significant constipation or GI issues, I recommend a high dose probiotic and if you need consistent support, this is my Daily Maintenance Probiotic.
  1. Stay Active! – Being active is good for every aspect of your health, including digestion. I have found that cardio and yoga have been the most successful for improving the motility of your GI tract.
  1. Manage Stress! – Stress can be taxing on your digestive system and can often lead to digestive issues. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, at least 7 hours, and set aside some relaxing ME time.  As many of you know, I am a yoga fan.  Yoga will help to relieve stress and improve digestion.
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