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Lost Motivation? Don’t know how to get it back?

I talk to A LOT of people about their nutrition and weight struggles and most importantly, I listen. There is a common theme these days.
The #1 complaint I hear is… ”I lost my motivation and I don’t know how to get it back”.

There are 2 types of people that I want to focus on:

If you are a continual dieter, it is totally understandable why you have lost your motivation. 

  • Diet… Lose some weight… Sick of limited menu… Gain weight back.
  • Follow a stricter diet with more exercise… Lose some weight… Lots of cravings and exhaustion…Gain weight back and then some.
  • Read tons of articles that say different things… Total confusion and frustration.

It’s pretty obvious, right!? No one can keep up this unhealthy pattern.   Not only does it wreck your metabolism, but it drains you of all mental energy and motivation.  

I have to be honest, there are more and more legitimate excuses in our society these days (all relating to stress).

  • Covid fear.
  • Quarantine living (working from home, kids at home, gyms closed).
  • Political frustration.
  • So many people are losing their jobs and struggling with mental illness!

No doubt, these are all real problems!  My heart goes out to all of you who are truly struggling.
BUT we cannot let fear sabotage our health!  Your mental health is such an important link to your motivation and health. 

I wish there were a quick fix solution to regain your motivation but unfortunately, it’s complicated and it’s different for every person.  However, I have one key word that should work for everybody: BALANCE.

  • Balance your meals!
  • Balance your exercise!
  • Balance your thoughts!
  • Balance your days with family, work, fun and self-care.
  • Balance your blood sugar (with proper nutrition).
  • Balance your stress hormones (with balanced nutrition, exercise and mindset).

When you eliminate the unbalanced diets, uncontrolled cravings, exhausting exercise regimens, and negative thought cycles, I promise that you will find your motivation again.

My favorite word is MOJO, which is a synonym for Motivation.  My Facebook group is called Metabolism Mojo because I provide balanced and realistic strategies, tools, challenges, and recipes that you want to follow.  Click here to join my free group.
Need personalized help?  Click her to schedule a free consultation.  

Encouraging HUGS to all of you!

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