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Is weekly menu planning draining (and annoying)?

Do you find weekly menu planning, food shopping and prep to be a draining process❓

Do you get sick of it each and every week ❓

Yes!  Most people dread this weekly routine and tend to get disorganized and lazy with their nutrition.

These are some common complaints about menu planning:

👎  “I’m on track one week and then I get really busy and I’m off track again.”

👎   “It takes too long and I don’t have the time.

👎   “My kids are picky and I hate planning and cooking multiple dinners each night.”

👎   “Cooking for myself is so boring… Why bother.”

I hear ya and I understand on many levels.  I used to get burned out with weekly menu planning!

So how did I go from Menu Planning Dread to actually Enjoying the Process?

4 key shifts I made:

  1. Organization is HUGE!  If you have an organized menu planning system, it’s EASY to stay on track!  Lucky for me (and my clients), I have amazing menu planning software that spits out personalized menu plans with simple recipes and shopping lists.  For all my clients, they create an organizational binder and fill it with their staple recipes and menu plans.
  2. Keeping it SIMPLE is key! I think I made my life too complicated in the past.  I was always researching and trying new recipes.  It was fun (when I had the time) but I was too busy to stay consistent. Now, I keep it simple with my staple balanced menu plan and shopping list (that work) and I only add in a few simple recipes (when I feel like it).  
  3. Making TIME each week (no matter what)!  When my life and schedule were overpacked and I had that feeling of overwhelm, menu planning lost it’s fun and I found it impossible to stay consistent.   I now schedule in time every week (it’s a non-negotiable).
  4. Stay FOCUSED on what really matters.  What really matters is my health and my family’s health.  When I am not on my A-game and planning each week, I feel crappy and lethargic and unmotivated.  So yes, I’ve made a conscious decision that I WANT to set time aside on a weekly basis.  And I WANT to feel amazing.  

To be real, I still get a little frustrated or burned out from time to time – I do have 3 kids that eat A LOT!

But I can’t even imagine how overwhelmed I would feel if I did not follow through on this weekly routine.  Like I said, organization, simplicity, time management, and mindset are the keys to success! ✨✨✨

Please remember to be patient with yourself.  Transitioning to an organized and consistent menu planning process does not happen overnight.   

  • Sometimes you need to let go of control.   
  • Sometimes you need to delegate.   
  • And sometimes you need to reach out for help.

This is why we include all these aspects into our Metabolism Mojo Coaching Program… Personalized Menu Planning to simplify your life. Properly portioned and balanced meals and recipe for your needs and lifestyle. Foolproof step-by-step learning system to keep you organized.

If you are not sure where to start, let’s set up a chat.  We’d love to get to know YOU.  We can answer all your questions and help create a realistic and personalized plan for YOU.

What you should do next …

Register for my Nutrition Class: 3 Realistic Solutions to Rev Your Metabolism so you can Drop Weight Naturally Without Deprivation. And after class, you will receive a gift (My Favorite Balanced Breakfast Recipe Book). I recommend you register early; spaces are limited! 

Sign-up for my 3-Day Eating Reset: Tame your sugar cravings without feeling deprived. You will receive my step-by-step guide to stabilize your blood sugar with a done-for-you menu plan, simple recipes, and shopping list.

Schedule a FREE Metabolism Mastery Call: This is a no pressure phone conversation with our health coaches.  Let’s dive into your specific challenges and goals to figure out what next steps are best for you.


About the Author

Hello, I’m Betsy Markle.  I’m a Registered Dietitian and Holistic Nutritionist with over 20 years of experience. Living a busy life with 3 kids and a passionate career, I understand the importance of realistic nutrition, exercise, and balanced living.

Women tend to put the needs of everyone else before their own. My passion is to empower women to create a healthy lifestyle that they love and can stick with forever.

Here at Sunshine Wellness, we are proud to help women lose weight effortlessly, overcome cravings, and revive energy so they can heal their metabolism, ditch the diet mentality, and love their bodies.

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