Transitioning back to "Real Life" after a pandemic

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Transitioning back to “Real Life” after a pandemic

I can feel it!  With the vaccine opening up, life is feeling a bit more “normal”.  Obviously this is amazing news but I feel we have a BIG opportunity right now.  Basically, there are two paths that you can choose during this transition:

  1. We can go right back to old habits and patterns.
  2. We can mindfully navigate through this transition to a “new norm” that feels right and sets us up for success (health and happiness).

Many of us may enthusiastically jump back into life but before you do that, I encourage you to follow my 3-step approach for a smooth mindful transition.

STEP #1: First, let’s rewind to life before the pandemic.  How did pre-pandemic life feel? I don’t know about you but for me, it was too busy.  I had too many personal and family obligations.  My husband and I juggled too many appointments, games and tournaments.  Most of our evenings and weekends were full.  

For many of my clients, it felt like Groundhog’s Day… work, home/family, eat, sleep, repeat.  Their life was so structured and busy during the week that they rebelled on the weekends leading to an unhealthy cycle. 

So, for Step #1, get your journal out and note how your life felt pre-pandemic.

STEP #2: Now, let’s reflect on this last year (the year of COVID-19).

I understand that this pandemic has been tough on some people.  There has been major loss, depression and suicide rates are rising, and more people are using drugs and alcohol than ever to cope.

Yes, all this sucks!  However, to move forward in a positive way, we need to find the silver lining. 

For this step, jot down 10 things during the pandemic that you are grateful for.

To give you some ideas, here are a few things I am grateful for:
–  My family now plays card games together every single day.
–  We use our pool and hot tub more than ever and we truly appreciate our home.
–  Since our weekends are more open, we go to the beach more often and Brian and I have accomplished some awesome home projects.
–  We made a garden on my side yard and it actually produces beautiful veggies.
–  With my life less rushed, I feel more connected with nature.  

STEP #3: Here’s the best part… Let’s create our ideal future that feels amazing and you are proud of.

We’ve reflected on life before the pandemic and we found some of the positives during the pandemic.  With this knowledge and mindfulness, you get to create your life moving forward. 
You get to choose what you want to include. 
And guess what… You can say NO to the things that did not feel right.

For Step #3, brainstorm and write down ideas for your ideal life moving forward.  
To give you ideas, here are some of my thoughts and boundaries to keep me on track.
–  Only work two evenings/week
–  Minimize kid’s sports that require a lot of travel
–  Continue with my long walks or bike rides every other day (while listening to my favorite podcasts)
–  Continue with regular game nights

If part of your ideal future moving forward includes “getting healthy” but it all seems too overwhelming, Stacy and I can help!  Click here to schedule a free consultation.  We are here for you 😊 Encouraging hugs.

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