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Learn how to get what you want in life

What if I told you that I know a simple path to obtain your health goals and desires.  And the best part is that this path is actually fun.

Let’s reverse back to January 1st.  How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions?
Stats prove that most people revert back to old habits. 
Why??  I know the answer!

I’ll keep it as simple as possible…
Usually, New Year’s Resolutions and new diets and exercise regimens feel restricting and are not fun.  Correct?
Unlike demanding and annoying New Year’s Resolutions, I am going to share with you 5 feel-good strategies to align you with your health goals and desires.

I’m so excited for you because these 5 strategies will improve your life!  They will set you up for success and allow you to make a difference RIGHT NOW!

1. Make peace with today. 🙏🏼
If you are always focusing on what is going wrong, it is impossible to move on (to your health goals and desires).
Focusing on what you don’t like about your body will not serve you.
Dwelling on all your health concerns will not help you.
The #1 way to make peace with today is to jot down a daily list of the most positive aspects that you can find of your current situation.  Brainstorm about… What do you like in your life?  What’s working?.  If you focus on these positive (feel-good) things, you will release the resistance that is prohibiting you to move on and improve your life. 

2. Praise what you want when you see it. 🧡
Our publicity and social media can paint a picture of perfection. I believe we are all guilty of comparing ourselves to others.
“It must be nice to have a fast metabolism and naturally be skinny.”
We need to stop with the compare and despair.  Instead, start noticing what you would like for yourself.  When you see it, praise others.
Be happy for others. 
Share sincere compliments.

3. Do not try to control the uncontrollable. 🌅
Let go of the need to control things that are incontrollable, like what other people are doing.
We cannot control our mate’s actions.  We can’t control our crazy family.  We cannot control our society. 
You can let these factors and thoughts rock your world and sabotage your success.
OR you can give your undivided attention to what you can control, which is your thoughts and feelings and actions (right now).

4. Appreciate and appreciate some more. 🤲🏼
Appreciation is at the highest level on the emotional scale (that makes you feel best).
So let’s appreciate all that you have become and all that you desire. 
Most people are pretty good at appreciating others but most of us lack the ability of appreciating ourselves.
In order to reach your health goals and desires, this means no more negative self talk. 
No more blame, guilt, judgement, and criticizing. 

5.  Be easy about it. 🎈
So many of us try too hard…  Strive for that big goal.  Push past limits.  We research too much.  
If you are trying too hard, most likely this process will be a struggle and in the long haul, you will not succeed.
With this feel-good strategy, I want you to…
Be kind to yourself
Do things that are fun
Stop trying so hard

I created this article after listening to the podcast, Love Your Life with Jennifer Bailey (episode 163).  She listed 7 tips and I hand picked the five strategies that make the most sense for my clients and their journey to heal their metabolism with a balanced approach.  If you are sick of all the hard-core diets and programs out there and you are looking for a more holistic avenue to heal your metabolism, Click here to schedule a free consultation with me or Stacy.  We are here for you 🙂


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